COVID-19 Policy
Based on how COVID cases are trending, and what the best practices around keeping groups safe, we will be updating our policy in the late spring – and may even change things closer to retreat if there is a new variant or something else that requires rapid response.
BEFORE RETREAT we may require a PCR test before arrival on retreat; this will be determined closer to the start of retreat. We will not be requiring any proof of vaccine.
UPON ARRIVAL all staff and participants will administer their own COVID rapid test and wait 15 minutes until results are available. Rapid tests will be supplied by MTS. Masks will be worn by all staff and participants for the first two days of retreat.
If a participant tests positive upon arrival, and there is a safe way to get them home (in their own car or with a parent/guardian), they must leave immediately. If the participant has flown in or isn’t able to leave right away, they must quarantine in a room at the retreat center until arrangements can be made for their departure.
Parents/guardians who are dropping off their teen must wait on site until the rapid test shows a negative result.
Masks must be worn by all participants and parents/guardians upon arrival to retreat while inside any of the buildings used for registration.